For Competition for grants in the field of Media and Communication, the project partner is the Association of Independent Press. Grants will be awarded to organisations in four development regions - North, Centre, South and ATU Gagauzia.
Association of Independent Press (API) is one of the most wellknown mass-media organisations in the Republic of Moldova that promotes the principles of free press and renders assistance to independent mass-media and politically unaffiliated journalists. API's mission is to contribute to the development of open society by increase in sustainability and quality of independent media, professionalisation of journalists, strengthening of standards of journalistic deontology. API is appreciated for awareness and education campaigns in different fields of public interest (”STOP FALS!” - Stop false information!, ”Cere socoteală pentru banii publici!” - Call to account for public money!, ”Avere la vedere” - Fortune at sight), actions in advocacy for mass-media development, defence of freedom expression and access to information, etc.
API is a member of organisations and networks of organisations at international and national level. Furthermore, API is one of the founders of the Press Council of the Republic of Moldova, i.e. a national structure of journalistic self-regulation and mediation of disputes between the media institutions and consumers of information. More information on the implementing partner in the field of Media and Communication can be found by visiting the websites of the Association of Independent Press:
Within the Action "Citizens' Empowerment in the Republic of Moldova", API will increase the potential for involving citizens, civil society organisations and mass-media institutions in the regions of Moldova in debating local issues and policies. Within this Action, API implements the Local Grants Programme in the field of Media and Communication.
The amount available for the Local Granst Programme in Media and Communication is 275,000 EUR.
First call for proposals
The first grants competition for local and regional media non-governmental organizations was launched in December 2019, and 31 project proposals were received. As a result of the evaluation process, 14 organizations were selected and awarded with grants.
Second call for proposals
The second grants competition for local and regional media organizations was launched in November 2020, and 16 project proposals were received. As a result of the evaluation process, 7 organizations were selected and awarded with grants.
The final list of grants beneficiaries can be accessed here.
Additional call for proposals
API launches an additional call for proposals, in which local non-governmental media organizations and local and regional media institutions can participate. The total amount available for this contest of ideas is 20,000 Euros. Proposals with an estimated value of 10,000 Euros will be accepted. The projects will have a maximum implementation period of 3 months, with the possibility of extension by one month.
Details of the competition - objectives, eligible activities, selection criteria -, and the procedure for submitting the application can be found in the Applicant's Guide (in Romanian).
The Local Grants Programme is launched under the Single Support Framework for European Union (EU) support to Moldova (2017-2020) within the European Neighbourhood Instrument through the Action "Citizens' Empowerment in the Republic of Moldova" (2019 -2021) and implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.