Over 2 million Euro from EU awarded to CSOs to involve citizens in decision-making processes

Following an extensive process of evaluating 335 project proposals to the EU Local Grants Programme for North, Central, South and ATU Gagauzia development regions, including in media and communication, the EU approved 79 projects to benefit from around 2.4 million Euro.

The projects to be implemented will empower and involve citizens and civil society organizations in decision-making processes, including in the governance of investment projects in water and sanitation, waste management, energy efficiency, and raising awareness of related environmental issues and climate change. In response to the EU's call for solidarity and support, awarded organizations will also implement actions that will reduce the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The full list of projects, geographical coverage and other details can be found by accessing the links below:

Region / Field

Partner organization

Approved project proposals

North Development Region

AO „Pro Cooperare Regională” in partnership with AO „CASME”

24 project proposals

Development Region Center

Association for Efficient and Responsible Governance AGER in partnership with AO Agency for Regional Development “Habitat”

16 project proposals

South Development Region


15 project proposals

Development region ATU Gagauzia

European Center "Pro-Europe" in Comrat in partnership with CONTACT Center

9 project proposals

Media and Communication

Association of Independent Press API

15 project proposals

 In the next 12 months, the awarded organizations will benefit from training and exchange of experience and good practices, organized by GIZ and its partners.

The total amount of grants awarded under this competition is approximately 2.4 million Euro out of a total of 2,625,000 Euro available. The remaining amount will be awarded in a new call for proposals to be launched in autumn 2020.

The Local Grants Programme is launched on the basis of the Single Support Framework of the European Union (EU), to the Republic of Moldova (2017-2020) under the European Neighborhood Instrument, through the project "Citizens’ empowerement in the Republic of Moldova" (2019-2021) , funded by the EU and implemented by the German Development Coopration through GIZ (GIZ Moldova).

For information on the further development of the project and new opportunities, please follow the project page www.eu4civilsociety.md