The second call for proposals was launched under the EU-funded Local Grants Programme
The partner organizations implementing the Action 'Citizens Empowerment in the Republic of Moldova' launched the second call for project proposals under the Local Grants Programme, funded by the European Union and implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.
The Local \Grants Programme covers the North, Center, South and ATU Gagauzia development regions of the Republic of Moldova and aims to empower citizens through active and constructive participation in local decision-making processes for sustainable development (economic, social and environmental) and local service infrastructure in their communities.
As you already know, for the implementation of the Local Grants Programme the Action has as partners four organizations acting at regional level and one organization to increase communication and outreach. Following the first call for project proposals, 76 civil society organizations from the four development regions have already received grants with a total budget of € 2.2 million.
For the second call for proposals, the amount available is 651,000 euros. Details on the eligibility criteria, the application procedure, the evaluation and selection process, as well as contact information on the competition for each region and field, can be found on the pages of the website
The 'Citizens Empowerment in the Republic of Moldova' Action is funded by the European Union and implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ. The general objective of the Action is to provide citizens with skills for constructive participation in decision-making processes at local, regional and national levels on the water supply and sewerage sectors, solid waste management, energy efficiency of public buildings, but also on environmental issues, related to local public services delivery.
The Local Grants Programme is launched on the basis of the Single Support Framework for European Union (EU) support to Moldova (2017-2020) under the European Neighborhood Instrument.